What does the world say about Stevia?
In a world where we pay particular attention to healthy food, Stevia consumption is growing fast and it is increasing worldwide. Nowadays, we can find lots of food and drinks containing Stevia extracts. Since 2007, we have seen a boom in sales of Stevia extracts based products. The first country that regulated its use was Japan in 1971. In 2008, USA approved the use and France did the same in 2009. EU allowed Stevia as a food additive in November 2011.
In France, that approved Stevia use before the European Union by a provisional authorisation granted in 2009, consumers welcomed Stevia based products in an enthusiastic way. Stevia increased sweeteners sells by 25% in two years.
In 2010, more than 600 brand new products have been launched in different market sectors: tea, drinks, yogurt, juices, soy milk, bakery products, cereals, condiments and table sweeteners.