
Together with Amref to bring health in Kenya.

Mulnutrition Project



Child malnutrition is one of the main cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nowadays, 2.1 millions of children are deeply underweight.

Risks start early after birth, because mothers don’t know the importance of breastfeeding. In addition, the general lack of food creates further harms.

After weaning, shortage of vitamin A, zinc and iron weakens children bodies, compromising physical and mental development. An undernourished child risks to die within his first five years of life.

This project aims to improve nourishment of thousands of children and young women, fighting the risk of contracting preventable disease.


Amref works to:

  • plan an adequate nutrition for the different age ranges
  • supply medical structures, food supplements and drugs to prevent diseases
  • teach to women and men who cultivate fields the best techniques to produce different and quality products
  • specialize doctors to make them aware that healthy food is essential


The only supply of food is not the right answer. That the reason why Amref works closely with local communities, because just the with support of everybody it is possible to win the fight against malnutrition.

The funded project

Novarese Zuccheri supports Amref’s project against malnutrition with the aim to donate 10.000€ by selling “Amref” 1kg cane sugar bag.

Donations will be useful to buy products for a right and healthy nutrition, support medical structures, educate and monitore patients. Costs are roughly split in this way:

0.40 cents: to buy 2 sachets with an high-protein content

5€: to buy 25 sachets with an high-protein content

15€: to buy 75 sachets with an high-protein content

25€: to monitoring growth and weight of 2 undernourished children

50€: for an emergency nutritional assistance of 1 child (weight evaluation, therapeutic milk, iron and zinc)

75€: for a 60 days long supply of therapeutic milk for deep malnutrition

Choose to support our ambitious project and buy our cane sugar!